The Case for Movement Efficiency
Sometimes the path to power Pilates is with a lighter core, and more release. Learn to move efficiently for the optimal results.
Sometimes the path to power Pilates is with a lighter core, and more release. Learn to move efficiently for the optimal results.
Strengthening the gluteal muscles is recommended for virtually every hip and knee issue that exists. From patellar femoral syndrome and hip impringement to tight IT bands and dropped arches, improving the strength of the big power muscles of the bum are a key component to recovery. What to do when they don’t cooperate?
A good office chair can make a difference. But there is no level of chair that can make your body happy with static positions. And sometimes, less support makes things better.
Pilates Mat classes focus on core strength but for some, the work is felt in the hip flexor muscles instead. Simple tips to improve muscle balance can help shift the work back to the abdominals.
Multiple studies have indicated negative effects from stretching regimes including a loss of strength and a greater chance of injury. Adjusting your stretching regime may help you gain mobility without a loss of power.